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  • Spend 5 months surfing and/or skating, learning, serving and travelling with the Christian Surfers/Skaters Africa Leadership Program in South Africa! The CSalt course has been designed to train and equip leaders for surf ministry, and at the same time gives you an amazing chance to see the coastline of South Africa (and get a few waves at J-Bay of course...). Their goal is to see you identify your passions, and then get trained up to go and make a difference in the surf and skate communities. Visit their website for more info!


  • CS Australia host a junior leadership school each year called New Swell. New Swell is a week focused on equipping and empowering the young leaders of Australia to share the good news of Jesus to the surfing community! Participants will be learning about mission in sub-culture, faith in business within the context of the surf industry and what discipleship looks like down at your local! Find out more on the CS Australia website.


  • Calling All Skaters offers several opportunities for discipleship. Opportunities are available in LA & Barcelona.:

    • Their DTS school is a 5-6 month program designed to train up post high-school-age skateboarders as a skateboarding missionaries to send out to the nations. Those attending will serve part of that time in another country. During this DTS school skaters will live in community and fellowship with Christian skaters from around the world and get vision for how to reach the skate culture and direction on starting skate ministries. Click here for more information.

    • Summer Trash is a 2 week program DTS program for high-school-age skateboarders that will give them a taste of the Calling All Skaters vision and culture. During this time you wil be discipled and skate spots and parks in some of the world's biggest cities. Click here for more information.


  • RIO missions is teaming up with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Panama to offer the first surf and skate themed Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Latin America. The program will be a fantastic opportunity for people who are a part of the surf/skate culture to grow in their faith and learn how to share with others. Contact Dan Cotton for more info.










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